
Arqueologia medieval
This is a scientific journal set out as a tool for promotion and outreach of research in all issues of the medieval and modern archaeology in the Catalan countries. It is also an independent publication where rigorous discussion and exchange of ideas can be practised. Moreover, it aims to be the frame of reference to unify methodological and descriptive criteria.

The journal is organized in six sections addressed to encourage diversification of themes. They are considered under a flexible standard allowing each issue to adapt to the existing proposals.
–       Jaciments (Sites) collects synthesis about finished and unpublished archaeological excavations and which prioritize global interpretation
–       Territoria gathers papers about the organization of medieval and modern landscape
–       Museïtzacions contains interpretation as well as conservation or restoration plans centred on archaeological sites
–       Materials is directed at studies of archaeological artefacts which can become a reference given its entity
–       Metodologies presents the most innovative methodological issues
–       Documenta deals with documentary studies which can have a direct impact on the field of archaeology

The editorial board welcomes original papers, which can be submitted following the journal contribution guidelines.
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Proceedings of the Conferences of Medieval and Modern Archaeology in Catalonia
 The proceedings collect the contributions made to the conferences of medieval and modern archaeology in Catalonia organized by the ACRAM since 1998.
Proceedings and conferences

Seqüència (Sequence) is the newsletter issued by the ACRAM between May 1998 and July 2006 with a varied frequency. Its purpose was to increase awareness and assess the state of medieval and modern archaeology in Catalonia. It publicised the activities, the opinions and the problems of our discipline both in the professional and in the research fields. It also covered short monographs of the archaeological interventions at that time. 18 issues were published in paper, which can be accessed now in PDF format.

Seqüència, 0 (maig 1998)
Seqüència, 1 (setembre 1998)
Seqüència, 2 (gener 1999)
Seqüència, 3 (juny 1999)
Seqüència, 4 (octubre 1999)
Seqüència, 5 (gener 2000)
Seqüència, 6 (juny 2000)
Seqüència, 7 (novembre 2000)
Seqüència, 8 (gener 2001)
Seqüència, 9 (juny 2001)
Seqüència, 10 (octubre 2001)
Seqüència, 11 (febrer 2002)
Seqüència, 12 (juny 2002)
Seqüència, 13 (gener 2003)
Seqüencia, 14 (setembre 2003)
Seqüencia, 15 (gener-juliol 2004)
Seqüencia, 16 (abril 2005)
Seqüència, 17 (juliol 2006)

Arqueologia Medieval de l’Anoia
“Medieval Archaeology of the Anoia region” is the catalogue of the exhibition presented in the I Conference of Medieval and Modern Archaeology in Catalonia (Igualada, 1998). It contains a synthesis of the main interventions in the medieval sites of the Anoia region, as for instance the church of Sant Julià de les Alzinetes, the castle of Claramunt, the furnaces of Cabrera d’Anoia, the Cistercian farm of Ancosa, the walls of Calaf or the floor of the hut of La Tossa de Montbui. Mention has to be made of the works of the Servei de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Local de la Diputació de Barcelona, and of Jordi and Joan Enrich, pioneers of the archaeological interventions in the region.

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