
The conferences of medieval and modern archaeology in Catalonia aim to gather and publish in their proceedings the work developed in this field during the period between conferences. These meetings are held every four years, looking for decentralization in the country and for collaboration of the cultural entities in the place. They are held with the economic support of the corresponding city councils, of other regional or national institutions and of some of the archaeological firms.

I Congrés d’Arqueologia Medieval i Moderna a Catalunya. 15 anys d’intervencions arqueològiques: mancances i resultats
Igualada, 13th  – 15th  November 1998


Congrés d’Arqueologia Medieval i Moderna a Catalunya
Sant Cugat del Vallès, 18th -21st April 2002

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Congrés d’Arqueologia Medieval i Moderna a Catalunya
Sabadell, 18th -21st May 2006

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Congrés d’Arqueologia Medieval i Moderna a Catalunya
Tarragona, 10th – 13st June 2010

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Congrés d’Arqueologia Medieval i Moderna a Catalunya
Barcelona, 22nd – 25th May 2014