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6th Conference of Medieval and Modern Archaeology in Catalonia (Lleida, 29th nov – 2nd des 2018)

Here you have the definitive program of the 6th Conference of Medieval and Modern Archaeology in Catalonia, the pre-proceedings and the registration coupon. See you in Lleida on November 29 – December 2, 2018.


Lleida, from November 29 to December 2, 2018


I. Monographic issues

  1. The border castles
  2. The archaeology of the Andalusian world in Catalonia
  3. 1998-2018: 20 years of Conferences of Medieval and Modern Archaeology in Catalonia

II. Archaeological interventions, 2014-2018

III. Posters: Archaeology of the Spanish Civil War: the warlike objects

Presentation of the works

– September 30, 2018: deadline for submitting proposals. Proposals must be sent to the secretariat of the congress ( and include the title, name of the authors, summary of contents (one page) and applied section of the congress.

– October 31, 2018: deadline to communicate the acceptance of proposals

– November 29 – December 2, 2018:

  • Posters: December 2, delivery of posters at the reception of the congress before the start of the sessions. They will be returned at the end, on December 2. Format: DIN A 0 in vertical position, printed on a rigid support
  • Communications: presentation of communications in the session that will be communicated in advance

– January 15, 2019: deadline for presenting papers for its subsequent publication in the Proceedings. Communications format: maximum 40,000 characters with spaces and 10 figures. Poster format: 22,000 characters maximum with spaces and 4 figures.

Types of registration

  • Ordinary (with Proceedings): € 75
  • ACRAM members (with Proceedings): € 30
  • Students (no Proceedings): € 25

Payment by bank transfer to the ACRAM bank account: CaixaBank: IBAN ES40 2100 8234 81 2200034814

To complete registration, you must attach the registration coupon and the receipt of the bank transfer.

Secretary of the conference

ACRAM. C/ Garcilaso, 199, 1er 3a
Organizing committee
– Secció d’Arqueologia de la Diputació de Lleida

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